запятая в английском

запятая в английском. знаки препинания.

запятая в английском ставится, чтобы отделить

придаточное предложение или инфинитивный оборот от главного, когда придаточное или инфинитивный оборот идут первыми:
In order to qualify for your certificate, you will need to take the TOEFL exam.
When she called, he had already eaten lunch.
As I was finishing my homework, she began cooking.
Though he loves doughnuts, he has given them up for his diet.
Although he wanted to come, he wasn’t able to attend the course.
Although he course was difficult, he passed with the highest marks.
By the time he finished, I had cooked dinner.
As soon as I hear from Tom, I will give you a telephone call.

придаточные предложения, вводимые союзами BUT и AND:
They wanted to purchase a new car, but their financial situation would not allow it.
I’d really enjoy seeing a film this evening, and I’d like to go out for a drink.

It was a big, expensive car. Felix was a lonely, young boy.
The hot, crackling, smoky fire roared through the beautiful, old forests of Yosemite.

серию равнозначных слов:
I like reading, listening to music, taking long walks, and visiting with my friends.
They would like books, magazines, DVDs, video cassettes, and other learning materials for their library.

слова, прерывающие нормальный ход предложения:
I decided, however, that I needed to eat something first.
It was, if I am not mistaken, on Friday.

прямую цитату:
The boy said, «My father is often away during the week on business trips.»
His doctor replied, «If you don’t stop smoking, you run the risk of a heart attack.»



с уважением, Vладiмiр.
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